Apt-get For Mac

  1. Apt-get Equivalent For Mac
  2. Apt-get Mac Os
  3. Apt-get For Mac Os
  4. Apt-get Macchanger
  5. Install Apt Get Mac

Jul 04, 2019  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/macbuntu sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install macbuntu-os-icons-lts-v7 sudo apt-get install macbuntu-os-ithemes-lts-v7. After installation, open the Unity Tweak Tool and set the mac theme as your current theme and apply the macbuntu icons also. What on Earth are you doing? MacOS doesn't use apt-get - at all. It doesn't come with a package manager. There are independent package management tools, to my mind the best of them is homebrew from here. Some folks use MacPorts. Before you can do any development in macOS, you need Xcode's command-line tools - see here.


apt-get - APT package handling utility - command-line interface



apt-get is the command-line tool for handling packages, and may be considered the user's'back-end' to other tools using the APT library. Several 'front-end' interfaces exist, such as synaptic and aptitude.

Mac OS 10.6 apt-get equivalent. I am looking for a command line equal to apt-get for the MAC. I want to install packages with ease. I have look at FINK but do not want to add third party apps on this MAC. Is there an alternative?, 12:46 PM #2: bsdunix. Senior Member. How to install apt-get on Mac OS X or rather OS X Mavericks so that we can use the power of installing Debian based packages is shown in this guide. We talked about UNIX Operating System, Unix Like Operating System and Linux Operating System before. Also, we have talked about the Unix Shell. So in this post I am going to show you how you can make apt-get to work in MAC OS X. To make apt-get work, you have to install FINK. Download the FINK project from this Download Page; Run the installer, if you have OS X version 10.5 or lesser. But if you have 10.6 or higher then you have to source compile and install. Follow the instructions.


Unless the -h, or For--help option is given, one of the commands below must be present.
The /etc/apt/sources.list(5) file contains a list of locations from
which to retrieve desired package files. See also apt_preferences(5) for a mechanism for over-riding the general settings for individual packages.
This option is followed by one or more packages desired for installation. Each package is a package name, not a fully qualified filename (for instance, ina Fedora Core system, glibc would be the argument provided, not glibc-2.4.8.i686.rpm).
All packages required by the package(s) specified for installation will also
be retrieved and installed. The /etc/apt/sources.list(5) file is used to locate the repositories for the desired packages. If a hyphen (-) isappended to the package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be removed if it is currently installed. Similarly a plus sign (+)can be used to designate a package to install. These latter features may be used to override decisions made by apt-get's conflict resolution system.
A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by
following the package name with an equals (=) and the version of the package to select. This will cause that version to be located and selected forinstall. Alternatively, a specific distribution can be selected by following the package name with a slash (/) and the version of the distribution orthe Archive name (i.e. stable, testing, unstable).
Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be
used with care.
Finally, the apt_preferences(5) mechanism allows you to create an
alternative installation policy for individual packages.
If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one
of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and it is applied to all package names in the database. Any matches are theninstalled (or removed). Note that matching is done by substring so 'lo.*' matches 'how-lo' and 'lowest'. If this is undesired, anchor the regular expressionwith a '^' or '$' character, or create a more specific regular expression.
Identical to install except that packages are removed instead of installed. If a plus sign (+) is appended to the package name (with nointervening space), the identified package will be installed instead of removed.
source source_pkg
Causes apt-get to fetch source packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source package to fetch. It will then find anddownload into the current directory the newest available version of that source package. Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages viarpm-src type lines in the sources.list(5) file. This probably will mean that you will not get the same source as the package you have installed,or could install. If the --compile options is specified then the package will be compiled to a binary using rpmbuild, if --download-onlyis specified then the source package will not be unpacked.
A specific source version can be retrieved by following the source name with
an equals (=) and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used for the package files. This enables exact matching of the source packagename and version, implicitly enabling the APT::Get::Only-Source option.
Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist
only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar balls.
build-dep source_pkg
Causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package.
Diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache and checks for broken dependencies.
Clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. It removes everything but the lock file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and/var/cache/apt/archives/partial/.
Like clean, autoclean clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only removes package files thatcan no longer be downloaded, and are largely useless. This allows a cache to be maintained over a long period of time without it growing out of control. Theconfiguration option APT::Clean-Installed will prevent installed packages from being erased if it is set to off.


All command-line options may be set using the configuration file, the descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean options you canoverride the config file by using something like -f-, --no-f, -f=no or several other variations.

-m may produce an error in some situations.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Fix-Broken.
-m, --ignore-missing, --fix-missing
Ignore missing packages. If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those packagesand handle the result. Use of this option together with -f may produce an error in some situations. If a package is selected for installation(particularly if it is mentioned on the command-line) and it could not be downloaded then it will be silently held back.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Fix-Missing.
Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with --ignore-missing to force APT to use only the rpms it has already downloaded.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Download.
-q, --quiet
Quiet. Produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of two. You can also use-q=# to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration file. Note that quiet level 2 implies -y, you should never use -qq without ano-action modifier such as -d, --print-uris or -s as APT may decided to do something you did not expect.
Configuration Item: quiet.
-s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act
No action. Perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not actually change the system.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Simulate.
Simulate prints out a series of lines, each one representing an rpm
operation: Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets indicate broken packages with an empty set of square brackets meaning breaksthat are of no consequence (rare).
-y, --yes, --assume-yes
Automatic yes to prompts. Assume 'yes' as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held package orremoving an essential package, occurs then apt-get will abort.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Assume-Yes.
-u, --show-upgraded
Show upgraded packages. Print out a list of all packages that are to be upgraded.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Show-Upgraded.
-V, --verbose-versions
Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Show-Versions.
-b, --compile, --build
Compile source packages after downloading them.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Compile.
Ignore package Holds. This causes apt-get to ignore a hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with dist-upgrade to override alarge number of undesired holds.
Configuration Item: APT::Ignore-Hold.
Do not upgrade packages. When used in conjunction with install, no-upgrade will prevent packages listed from being upgraded if they are already installed.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Upgrade.
Force yes. This is a dangerous option that will cause apt-get to continue without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It shouldnot be used except in very special situations. Using --force-yes can potentially destroy your system!
Configuration Item: APT::Get::force-yes.
Instead of fetching the files to install, their URIs are printed. Each URI will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5hash. Note that the file name to write to will not always match the file name on the remote site! This also works with the source and update commands. Whenused with the update command, the MD5 and size are not included, and it is up to the user to decompress any compressed files.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Print-URIs.
Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::ReInstall.
This option defaults to on, use --no-list-cleanup to turn it off. When on, apt-get will automatically manage the contents of/var/lib/apt/lists to ensure that obsolete files are erased. The only reason to turn it off is if you frequently change your source list.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::List-Cleanup.
-t, --target-release, --default-release
This option controls the default input to the policy engine. It creates a default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. The preferencesfile may further override this setting. In short, this option lets you have simple control over which distribution packages will be retrieved from. Some commonexamples might be -t '2.1*' or -t unstable.
Configuration Item: APT::Default-Release; see also the
apt_preferences(5) manual page.
Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered related to --assume-yes. Where --assume-yes will answer yes toany prompt, --trivial-only will answer no.
Configuration Item: fIAPT::Get::Trivial-Only.
If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without prompting.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Remove.
Only has meaning for the source command. Indicates that the given source names are not to be mapped through the binary table. This means that if thisoption is specified, the source command will only accept source package names as arguments, rather than accepting binary package names and looking up thecorresponding source package.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Only-Source.
-h, --help
Show a short usage summary.
-v, --version
Show the program version.
-c, --config-file
Configuration File. Specify a configuration file to use. The program will read the default configuration file and then this configuration file. Seeapt.conf(5) for syntax information.
-o, --option
Set a Configuration Option. This will set an arbitrary configuration option. The syntax is -o Foo::Bar=bar.


Configuration Item: Dir::Etc::Preferences.
Storage area for retrieved package files.
Configuration Item: Dir::Cache::Archives.
Storage area for package files in transit.
Configuration Item: Dir::Cache::Archives (implicit partial).
Storage area for state information for each package resource specified in sources.list(5).
Configuration Item: Dir::State::Lists.
Storage area for state information in transit.
Configuration Item: Dir::State::Lists (implicit partial).

See Also

apt-cache(8), apt-cdrom(8), sources.list(5),apt.conf(5),
apt-config(8), apt_preferences(5)

Apt-get Equivalent For Mac


apt-get returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error.


Reporting bugs in APT-RPM is best done in the APT-RPM mailinglist athttp://apt-rpm.org/mailinglist.shtml.


Maintainer and contributor information can be found in the credits pagehttp://apt-rpm.org/about.shtml of APT-RPM.

Referenced By


Apt-get Mac Os


Apt-get For Mac Os


Apt-get Macchanger

The apt-get command is specific to some varieties of Linux e.g. Ubuntu it is not a command included in OS X which is based on FreeBSD.

SMART Board for Education Education Software SMART Board Pro for Business Business Software SMART Podium. SMART Notebook® software for Windows and Mac comes with lesson creation tools, subject specific features and endless ways to wow students in any grade level. Try it for free. This software for Mac OS X was originally designed by SMART Technologies. The most popular version among the application users is 10.7. From the developer: Powerful and easy-to-use, SMART Notebook software is at the core of creating and delivering interactive lessons that engage students. SMART Board software, regardless of the operating system, can open. SMART Board™ Software for Mac Computers: A Quick Reference of Features and Functions Version 9.5 (May 2006) SMART Technologies Inc. SMART Board Software 9.5 for The Mac OS X. The new software will allow Mac OS X to integrate with the company's family of interactive whiteboards that include SMART Board, Rear Projection SMART Board, and SMART Board for Plasma Displays. Smart board software for mac.

There are similar offerings to apt-get for OS X but all of them have to be installed before you can then use them to install packages.

Brew - http://brew.sh

MacPorts - http://www.macports.org

Fink - http://www.finkproject.org/

You can also of course do it by hand by installing GIT on a Mac along with the Mac Command Line tools and then GIT cloning the source for a package and compiling it just like it is sometimes necessary with Linux.

GIT - http://git-scm.com/download/mac

Command Line Tools - http://railsapps.github.io/xcode-command-line-tools.html

Install Apt Get Mac

Jul 21, 2015 2:51 AM

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