Quickens For Mac 2015

HomeBefore you Buy
edited January 16 in Before you Buy
So, I'm a Quicken user and have been so since the mid 90's. I love Quicken..However, I am a Mac guy and have had to deal with running Quicken in a boot camp partition or in a virtual machine on top of my Mac. I'd love to go to Quicken for the Mac, but as of the last time a few years ago when I tried it, I didn't like it.
I am primarily interested in Quicken as a check book program to keep track of where my money comes from and goes to. I do not do any downloading of investments or items from my bank. It's all strictly manual. So I spend almost 100% of my time in the register. I've used Quicken for Window for so many years I have a very good flow when I am entering items from my checkbook. My main complaint about QfM is that the flow is just off enough as to make it a lot harder and more time consuming to enter in my data and getting everything to balance as well didn't seem as smooth. Have these issues been addressed in the latest version of QfM?

Quicken For Mac Personal Finance & Budgeting Software 2015 Old Version by Intuit. 2.3 out of 5 stars 2,180. Mac Disc Currently unavailable. TurboTax Deluxe 2014 Fed + State and Quicken for Mac 2015 Bundle. Product Bundle Currently unavailable. TurboTax Deluxe 2014 and Quicken for Mac 2015 Bundle. Product Bundle. I’ve used Quicken for Windows on a Mac using VMWare Fusion and Windows 7 for several years (and WinXP in Fusion before that). Here’s a trick I recently learned to speed up Quicken 2015 and 2016 for Windows, which sometimes launch extremely slowly even after rebooting Windows. However, the Mac version had traditionally lacked the features found in the PC version, and that was disappointing to many users. While last year's version was a big improvement, it still wasn't there for everyone. After using Quicken for Mac 2019 for several weeks, we're happy to see that Quicken has continued the improvements over prior years.


  • edited November 2018
    What version of Quicken are you currently using? If you're subscribed to Q2018 or later, your subscription includes both PC and Mac versions. If so, the simple thing is to download the Mac version and play with it a bit.
    That said, I think in your case, it's mostly about what you're used to. There are some shortcuts that can help smooth things out in QMac, but mostly it's about getting used to it because it's different.
    Unless you can be more specific about what you mean by 'the flow is just off', it's going to be hard to provide any more detail about the differences.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • edited December 2018
    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    There is no two line register in QMac, but the columns are completely configurable. You should be able to set it up so data entry is easy. On Mac, Command-N saves the current transaction and starts a new one. Once you enter the payee, it will prefill the rest of the fields from the last transaction for that payee in that account.
    I would suggest you try it. You have 30 days to get your money back if you don't like it. Or you could keep it for the upgrade of the QWin version since Q2019 comes with both Win and Mac versions included.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    I have the same exact issue tried quicken for Mac a few years ago, it was a disaster! But I love my Mac. So I use a pc for quicken only and a Mac for everything else. If I were to go the online route can you choose the pc version and use it on a Mac?
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    The online version is only an accompanying app to the desktop version. It is not a complete data set of your desktop data..should not be considered a backup of your data..and is NOT a replacement for your desktop version.
    Therefore, you can't just use the web version. You'll need to pick a Mac or Windows version of Quicken, then sync to the web or mobile app.
    And as you probably know, the Quicken desktop Mac and Windows versions are NOT compatible. And converting your data from Mac to Windows is nearly impossible.
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    I currently run the Quicken deluxe 2018 I am very happy, except it is quite slow.. How long will this version work? What would I upgrade with to stay the same format. I really dislike the single column ledger with Mac version among other things. Is the new 2019 quicken windows version and Mac version the same now. I saw that it is now sold for both?
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    I really like the two line register. You mentioned earlier that the columns are completely configurable? What exactly does the mean and how difficult is it?
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    If you REALLY have Quicken 2018, the Mac version is included in the subscription.
    As a matter of fact, Quicken 2019 and Quicken 2018 are virtually one product. It's just Quicken subscription. So if you have an active Quicken 2018 subscription, you already should have been updated to Quicken 2019.
    The remaining length of your subscription should be listed in the Quicken HELP area or on quicken.com.
    If your subscription expires, all online functions such as transaction downloads, updates, Zillow, Morningstar, stock prices, mobile app and web app access terminates. Additionally, you will get a Quicken reminder taking up about 25% of your data screen reminding (nagging) you to renew your subscription.
    Otherwise, you can continue to work by adding transactions and stock prices manually, with the crippled screen space.
    Quicken Mac has ONLY a one line transaction register. The columns are configurable as you can include or exclude which columns to show in the register. There is a Settings feature at the bottom of each register, so you can customize per register. It's easy to do.
    Mind you that Quicken Mac is a completely different product than Quicken Windows. Certain features in the Windows version are not present in the Mac version, such as the Tax Planner and Retirement Planner, Financial Calculators and more robust/customizable reports.
    Additionally, at this time Quicken Mac is still not able to include or exclude transfers in its reports and budgets. Thus, creating an accurate budget and reports takes some intricate (in my opinion) and creative methods. I still haven't been able to get it to account for my mortgage principal and retirement investment income.
    I have both Quicken Windows and Quicken Mac on my MacBook Pro. I still prefer, by leaps and bounds, Quicken Windows.
    The Mac development team has made certain strides in adding some features and others are promised or under advisement..but Quicken Inc does not make public any updates in the works nor any timetables.
    My opinion? Download Quicken Mac and see if you like it. Run both in parallel for a while (I've been doing it for about 18 months now) and see if it fits your needs.
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    @cassie.. The QMac registercolumns can be included/excluded, resized and the order changed. Configuration is easy, although has to be done separately for each different register. They will always be single line though.
    QWin and QMac are both included with the subscription, but they do not read the same file, so you can't go back and forth. You can transfer the QWin file to QMac. Transferring the other way does not work.
    One option if you want to stick with QWin is to run it within a Windows emulator on the Mac.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    BTW, not a Windows emulator..a Windows virtual machine. They are definitely not the same ;-) If you want to consider that option, there are 5 popular products you can use: Parallels, VMWare Fusion, Oracle VirtualBox, Bootcamp or CrossOver. The first 4 require you to also buy a copy of Windows. The first 2 cost $50-80, the third and forth are free. CrossOver also costs about $50-$80 but does NOT require you to buy Windows.
    If you plan to keep your PC & Mac, you could also run Quicken on the PC and use remote access (several free options, e.g. NoMachine and Teamviewer) to access Quicken from your Mac (or even a tablet or phone) (see this great article for complete review of many options (most are free): http://machow2.com/rdp-for-mac/ )
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    Meanwhile, you may want to add your VOTEtoAdd option for 2-line/row display.

    First, click on the underlined link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your vote will count for THIS feature and increase its visibility to the developers by seeking to have the features you need or desire end up in the latest version.
    While you are at it, you may want to add your VOTE to related IDEAS found on the
    List of Requests for User Interface Options and Features. Click on the underlined link, then follow the instructions to add your vote to more related ideas. Your VOTES matter!
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    Oh, and QWin and QMac are VERY different software.. the fastest way to know the differences is to try it. BUT if you are considering migrating over, If you decide to migrate your data, you do need to convert. If your data is from QW2010 or newer, the mechanics are quite simple..copy data file over to Mac. Open data file with QM2018. The built-in conversion process will step you through but there are a few things you need to know; here is the entire process:
    In your case, you can skip steps 1 and 2 but review all the prep and background info before:
    If someone needs to use an intermediary version, as mentioned on that page, instead of getting QW2010, you can try using QW2013 available from Quicken for FREE here:
    (that first page needs to be updated ;-) )
    NOTE: Be aware that at this time, it is very difficult to convert back from Mac to Windows, as there are many problems with the reverse conversion process.
    I also suggest that you make sure that Quicken 2018 for Mac will meet your needs, since it was re-written from the ground up (first with Quicken Essentials in 2010, then again with QM2015 onward) and is not the same product as the Windows version, so there are some features that are still not there e.g. full loan amortization*, 2-line display, QuickMath, or are not as fully developed yet, e.g. Customized Reports, some investment performance reports and stats (therefore some data may not carry over). You can start here:
    *NOTE: Support for fixed rate loans has been released as of QM2017 v4.5.x but there is no announced timing for support for variable rate or simple daily interest loans.
    You may want to review the List of Obstacles and Hindrances for Migrating from QM2007 or QWin to Quicken for Mac. Add your vote to any features that are missing for you. Your VOTES matter!
    Be aware of data that will and will not carry forward:
    (A couple more things to note: historical currency rates are not migrated AND currency conversions of transactions are not migrated).
    Then look at the updates since the original release here:
    You will also want to look at a more detailed comparison done by a SuperUser which also identifies nuances not mentioned elsewhere (and read on for comments from other users too on that same discussion thread):
    Take a look at the following videos to give you a better idea:
    Note that there are many differences that are rather subtle, that are not necessarily identifiable via documentation, for example, the 12-month budget feature does not allow including transfers, including investment income, selecting specific accounts, or have rollover capability.
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    Most of this conversation has really been a sore point for me. Quicken for Windows has been around for ages. It's a great product. So, here's the brainiacs at Quicken saying; 'Hey, let's make a Mac version, but let's toss all of the really great things that QfW does in the trash and reinvent the world'.. seriously !!!
  • edited December 2018

    I'm using a non subscription version.. 2016 I think. It's been a couple of years since I looked at the Mac version. From my memory, I think it had something to do with how the register in QfM is arranged differently than in Windows. Not that I'm averse to some learning curve, but with Windows I can quickly enter things from my check book almost without thinking about it and with the Mac one, it was taking a lot longer to do the same things. I also seem to remember something different in the reconciling of accounts, but I honestly don't remember what that was.

    L-N dash s is the command to create a symbolic link. Download mysql macos. So just bit by bit, sudo is a special command that means do this as the super user or as the root user.

    Actually it is not quite that way at all.. there is a lot of history that lead to this point. Bottom line is that Quicken chose to re-write the QMac version because they ran into technical limitations with the previous version because of the direction that Mac OS chose to go and they figured it was better to start over than to make the old version work. You can read more about it here:
    Why does Quicken for Mac not have feature parity with the Windows versions?
    As a result of that choice, there were a few failed attempts to get this off the ground. Finally in about 2014 a solid team was being established and the progress has not been as fast as many had expected and hoped. But there has also been a verbal commitment to bring the feature set closer to parity between QWin and QMac.
    Now the development is also being guided by prioritizing the many outstanding features, with invitation from the community to help influence that.
    This is why I highly recommend that you browse through the IDEAS section of this forum and VOTE for the request of each of the missing features to be added back into Quicken for Mac..to help direct the priorities of the developers.
    To do that click on this underlined link, following the instructions then VOTE to your heart's content:
    Categorized List of IDEAS of Feature Requests and Enhancements to Vote On
    or if you prefer this layout:
    EXPANDED List of Categorized IDEAS of Feature Requests and Enhancements to Vote On

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.)

    If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)
    Have Questions? Check out these FAQs:
    • Quicken Windows FAQ list
Quicken for mac 2015 downloadMac
Quicken today announced the launch of Quicken 2019, the newest version of its popular finance and budgeting software for PC and Mac.
Quicken 2019 introduces web access for the first time, designed to allow Quicken customers to manage their finances online using Chrome, Safari, and other web browsers.
Users are able to check their balances, monitor transactions, view budgets, check spending trends, view past expenses, and access info on their accounts and investment holdings at any time.
A customizable web dashboard created for the web access experience lets customers customize their personal view to see full details on all features Quicken has to offer or a streamlined view with just essential information.
'Millions of people use Quicken to help them manage their financial lives. Because Quicken is important to them, our community of users is incredibly engaged. We prioritize updates primarily based on feedback from these users, and adding web access was the number one requested enhancement,' said Eric Dunn, Chief Executive Officer of Quicken. 'As an agile, independent company, we've been able to deliver this highly-anticipated feature, among other exciting new customer-inspired updates, on schedule and with great quality. This increased pace of releases and improvements is something our customers can count on and look forward to in the future.'
Quicken 2019 also features several enhancements on the desktop, which are designed to offer up an overall faster experience. Quicken for Mac, for example, is up to twice as fast.
The software opens up quicker, charts and graphs load twice as fast, and backing up is four times faster than it was in previous versions of Quicken.
Quicken in 2018 launched a new monthly membership feature so customers who pay for a subscription will get access to Quicken 2019 at no additional cost. There are several plans available for purchase at different price points.
Quicken Starter with budgeting is available for $34.99 for a one-year membership, while Quicken Deluxe is available for $49.99 per year.
Quicken Premiere, with portfolio monitoring functionality and tax advice, is priced at $74.99 per year, while Quicken Home & Business is priced at $99.99.



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